MTU UK Ltd is supplier of premium class diesel and gas engines and systems to the Marine, Power Generation and Rail markets and forms the core business of Rolls-Royce Power Systems, a division of Rolls-Royce plc.…
The wind farm is located in central Greece and consists of six 100 metre diameter wind turbines with a total rated output power of 12MW. It has been operational since early 2017 but at the start was causing complaints from…
Any planning application which has the potential to create a noise impact usually requires a noise impact assessment to be carried out and submitted along with, or as part of, the planning application. In this case,
The extraction of shale gas using hydraulic fracturing techniques, commonly known as 'fracking' requires a noise assessment to be carried out to determine whether noise levels which are generated, particularly during the drilling and fracturing stages, exceed noise limits specified…
Operational noise from airports is considered either as air noise (aircraft taking off, in flight or landing) or ground noise (anything which does not come under the heading of air noise). Ground noise includes taxiing to and from either…
A new road development, such as the M6 toll road, can cause a significant number of claims under the Land Compensation Act whereby compensation may be payable where the value of an interest in land is depreciated by…
A new development in Amesbury included a block of flats with commercial units on the ground floor and a planning application was submitted for a change of use at one of the unoccupied units to allow it to be fitted…
Den Brook wind farm was originally consented in 2007 following a refusal of consent by West Devon Borough Council. This consent was, however, challenged in the courts by the local opposition group and was subsequently quashed requiring a second Public…
In September 2012, planning permission was given by Boston Borough Council for the installation of a single micro-scale wind turbine with dimensions of 15 metres to the hub and a rotor diameter of 5.5 metres leading to a maximum…